Take advantage of the large taxis in Malaga to move comfortably without having to resort to several taxis to move with your family or group of friends.
People tend to travel a lot and for different reasons. Usually, there are those who travel for business or personal emergencies. However, many times those who travel is for reasons of distraction and recreation in conjunction with family and friends.
Proof of this is the number of reservations made year after year in Malaga and throughout Spain, where it is evident that the largest number of visitors and residents tend to move in large groups, especially in holiday seasons.
Advantages of large taxis
The main advantage of large taxis is that they can carry a large number of people in a single vehicle. This brings a number of advantages such as, for example, having a lower fare than if you hire several units of standard taxis.
Another advantage is that large taxis usually have enough space in the trunk and therefore do not need to carry part of the luggage and the rest of the luggage in the seats, where they can be uncomfortable.
In addition, since it is a single vehicle, there is no need to worry about the fact that another taxi may be delayed or diverted from the road while making the journey.
Where to find a large Malaga taxi
In Malaga you can find several private taxi agencies. However, few with the trajectory and recognition that we have to offer. We do tours throughout the province of Malaga and its surrounding provinces, but we operate more frequently at the busiest points in the province, such as Malaga-Costa del Sol International Airport, Maria Zambrano Train Station and the Port of Malaga.
Hire our services in good time
For your convenience, you can book us in advance through our contact number or WhatsApp, or through our booking form. When contacting us, we will respond as soon as possible to confirm your reservation for the date and time indicated.
To save you headaches, we recommend that you make your reservation early. That way, you’ll be making sure you won’t have any problems moving once you’ve arrived in Malaga. Among our services we offer units up to 8 seats, where you can also have safety seats for children.
Before hiring any of our services, we offer you all the fixed rates that we have at our disposal, so that you don’t have to worry about transport costs later on.
Once you have arrived in Malaga, in addition to offering you a transfer to the hotel, apartment or residence you have booked, we also offer special tours to the most magical and enigmatic places in the whole province of Malaga.